Sunday 17 February 2013


I dreamed I started writing songs again
and some of those were about you, me,
and my broken heart still thudding
whenever I think of you;
and when you listen to my voice you'd hear
it goes on beating even harder 'till it dies.

Friday 1 February 2013



--been writing a lot!, well, not “a lot”, but at all…--

I'm such a bastard:
shunned you out and now been shunned.
Years and years passed
and I always knew I was haunted
by the unbalance I'd created,
and chaos... pure?
and chaos... perfect?
and love... or the absence of it?

I'm such a bastard and I wish I could turn back time,
and sometimes I think things could not have been otherwise,
and others I believe I could have made you mine without hurting.
I should have made you mine doubtlessly, and I'm sure
you were half-mine already and you will always be... because
I'll always be more than half-yours in this life and the next.

I'm such a bastard
cause those halves mean nothing, a-ny-thing!
I'm such a bastard
cause I never thought of how idiotic execution was
of my decision right, 'til someone played
the same trick on me...

The balance of the universe restored I noticed
how fucked up my mind really was and scared.
And I think of you
when I walk through the city, up and down, when alone, and
in company seems my memory is just gathering facts
to spit on my face when most weak...

Such a bastard, I know.
Did you ever suspect when you were
touching my hair that morning in town,
that I was such a bastard?